Ira Khan Wedding News: The city of lakes Udaipur will hit the headlines again with perfectionist Bollywood actor Aamir Khan’s daughter Ira Khan’s daughter Ira Khan’s wedding will be held here. Wedding planning begins on January 8th. In this regard, the news of Aamir Khan’s arrival in Udaipur on January 5 came to light. Because it is said that the entire wedding preparations were done by Aamir Khan himself. This will be the first big wedding of the year in Udaipur. There were more overseas weddings last year, including those of actress Parineeti Chopra and cricketer Hardik Pandya.
Wedding program will be held in this hotel
Ayra Khana is married to Bollywood fitness trainer Nupur Shikhare. The wedding event will be held in Udaipur for three days from January 8 to 10. The program was held at the Raj Aravali Hotel in Kodiat, near the city of Udaipur. The hotel has 176 rooms. The rooms were reportedly fully booked. Moreover, Aamir Khan came to Udaipur even before the wedding. He will arrive in Udaipur on January 5. Because he will witness all the preparations for the wedding. Starting from January 7, the arrival process for family members of both parties will begin.
More than 200 guests will come
According to media reports, Ira Khan and Nupur Shikhar had a registered wedding in Mumbai on Wednesday night, followed by a grand party at Taj Lands End in Mumbai in the evening. Many great people took part in it. Aamir Khan personally invites Bollywood stars to his wedding. Talk about the possibility of over 200 guests attending this royal wedding in Udaipur. Guests, including the bride and groom’s families, will arrive on January 7. Guests will depart Udaipur on January 10 after three days of wedding festivities.